Mūsdienās daudzi izmanto visādus Instagramus un līdzīgas programmas lai nobildēt kaut ko interesantu = notikimu, cilvēku, ēdienu vai vēl ko citu. Pēc tam citi cilvēki dažreiz grib atkārtot to, ko viņi redz uz bildes. Bet tas ne vienmēr izdodas... Zemāk ir dažas bildes, kas... nesanāca...
1. Cookies that were too perfect to exist
2. Combining string and balloons isn’t always a good idea
3. Valentine’s Day Jell-O hearts….just break up with me.
4. Cookie monster cookies that look like real monsters
5. A breakfast that is just too perfect to pull off
6. Leave the fancy manicures to the girls at the salon
7. An Easter treat made of nightmares
8. The hardest easiest painting project on earth
9. An art project they couldn’t quit get the hang of
10. This Kit Kat disaster
11. Waffle maker disaster cookies
12. The only thing these cookies are holding is failure
13. A child’s cake that will haunt your dreams
14. Pumpkin babies are less adorable when they are so upset
15. The wreath that turned out just a little flaccid
16. Hair flips sometimes just aren’t that sexy